Stay updated with job alerts
Want new opportunities delivered right to your inbox? The Job Alerts feature makes it easy to stay in the loop with the latest jobs that match your interests. Here’s everything you need to know about setting up and managing job alerts.
What are job alerts?
Job alerts help you:
- Save customized job search filters for future use.
- Get regular email updates with new job postings that match your preferences.
Who receives job alerts?
Only job seekers with verified email addresses will receive job alert emails.
- If your email isn’t verified yet: The system might send you a verification email before activating job alerts.
- If your email is already verified: You’re good to go!
Which jobs are included in job alerts?
The system selects jobs for your alerts based on these criteria:
- The job was posted within the last 30 days.
- The job was posted after your last job alert email.
- You haven’t already applied for the job.
What does a job alert email look like?
Here’s an example:
How to access job alerts
Log in to your career center account, then look for the Job Alerts tab in the menu bar: