When you want to add educational or informational resources to your platform, you can do so from your career center's admin page:
You'll be redirected to a list of all resources you've added:
To create a new article, click the +Create New Article button in the top right corner and fill out all required fields (marked with an asterisk *).
The pages you create will appear in the Resources section on the Mentor's page:
Enter the title of your article as you want it to appear in the Resources section.
If you want your article to have a preview image, click the Choose file button and upload a picture from your device.
Note: Allowed formats are: jpg, jpeg, gif, png; and the maximum file size is 5MB
Readers will see this image in the article preview (red arrow) and on the full article page:
This field is automatically populated as you add a Title to your article. It creates a URL-friendly version of your title.