Your admin offers various customization options. Among these is the ability to customize content like educational articles within your organization's field. In your admin's Articles menu, you can create content for your users to discover essential career resources tailored to professionals.
You can add tools, tips, and insights to help job seekers and employers grow their careers—from enhancing resumes to acing interviews. These articles will live under the Career Resources menu on your career center.
Users on your career center will see the articles you create under the Career Resources menu.
When logged in to your admin, navigate to Content Management → Articles:
Here’s how to write an article that’s useful for your readers and optimized to be found and shared:
Go to the Articles page and click + Create New Article button in the top corner of the page.
Now fill out all required fields:
Title - This will be visible on your career center.
Slug - This will populate automatically. It's the part of the URL assigned to your article when created.
Source type - Choose from three options for article creation: Organic - Write and edit the text directly in the admin. External - Add a link to an external source. PDF - Upload a PDF file. Maximum file size: 5MB.
Short description - This will appear on the career center in preview mode.
META keywords - These help search engines understand your article's main topics.
User type - Assign articles to job seekers, employers, or all users.
Categories - Position the article within a specific group. You can use existing categories, create new ones, or manage them. Read more here.
Is featured - Place this article in the Featured Resources section on the Career Resources page.
Is popular - Place the article in the Popular Resources section.
Show on home page - Display the article on your career center's homepage.
Viewable for SSO members only - Restrict access to SSO-authorized members of your organization.
Date published - Set the date when you want this article to go live. Last modified - This updates automatically, showing when the article was last edited.
Status Draft - Save progress without posting to the career center. Status Active - Post the article to the career center on the specified publish date.
If you’d like to add an image to an article, click the Choose file button at the top right corner of the screen
Click Submit.
Categories help group your articles by topic. You can create categories or add articles to existing ones.
When on the Articles page:
Click the blue button Manage Categories in the top right corner of the screen: